San Gil has a number of local places in and around town to swim in, from private pools to local natural swimming holes to 180m waterfalls.
Pozo Azul is a local favourite for a swim and Sunday drinking sessions, just a 3.500 taxi ride out of town.
Close to the town of Curiti (15 minutes from San Gil) is Pescadarito, a great place to camp and explore the many swimming holes, natural water slides and great places to dive. Catch a local bus to Curiti then hike 45 minutes to the first pool. From there hike up the river to find nicer and more isolated sites . For information about the 180m Juan Curi waterfalls, see the relax section.
Macondo Hostel | Cra 8 No. 10-35, San Gil - Tel: 7 724 8001 - info@macondohostel.com